In a time when I'm reading articles about the death of libraries and books being e-published instead of printed on paper, I was thrilled to see that HarperCollins is releasing brand-new editions in one of my favorite children's series.
I didn't read these as a child - in fact, I didn't discover them until I was about 25 and working at Borders Books & Music. Shelving children's books for hours every day has its advantages!
These books are on the 4th-8th grade reading level, which in my opinion includes some of the best stories out there. They're probably not books that my son will care much about, since the main characters are all girls, but I'll recommend them nonetheless. The titles being re-released this month cover high school years, but the series starts following its heroine at age five. The stories are based on the author's own life - sort of a cross between autobiography and historical fiction.
I read Nancy Drew, too, and some girls read Trixie Belden, but these are different and well worth checking out if you love children's literature or just some good characters.
I do remember Stephanie Johnson checking these out from the public library once when we were there. I'm not sure how we missed reading them.